live the life you deserve

After just one session, you could be on the road
to a more positive lifestyle.

Schedule a Consultation Today

our life is shaped by our mind,

for we become what we think”

- Buddha

Our Services


Weight Loss

If you’re tired of never ending diets and unsuccessful weight loss attempts, hypnotherapy can help you.

Anxiety & depression

Take back the control, and feel the freedom to live the life you dream of without fear and insecurities barring your way.


Phobias are a learned behaviour, and hypnotherapy can help your brain to relearn and reframe your negative thoughts.


pain management

Escape a life of pain killers and learn to manage your conditions and pain with the power of hypnotherapy.

menopause relief

Menopause can bring a whole host of issues for ladies, who feel there may be no way of coping with the effects. We can help.

smoking & addictions

Smoking, like other addictions is a habit, which can be unlearned and eradicated with the help of hypnotherapy.


I could help you too!

“I have known Darinka now for the best part of 20 years.  We first met when she placed me in a temporary role through her recruitment agency.  She was always very approachable, open and honest and actually listened to you and placed you in positions she knew would fit not only your experience, but your character too.  

Darinka was always very kind to me over the years I worked for her, so I had no qualms in reconnecting, in support of the new path she has chosen to follow. 

Darinka’s work space is so calming and relaxing, and is a pleasure on all your senses. My hectic week at work just seemed to slip away, purely just by chatting initially and whilst her puss cat Oscar, dozed on.

Our first session was really a discussion about what had brought me to her and what I was hoping to gain from our meetings, Darinka also fully explained how Hypnotherapy works and what I could expect, and a little about her own life and re-training as a therapist. For me, there is already trust in our friendship but if you were a stranger, you would waste no time in feeling comfortable and at ease in her company.

We finished my time with a wonderful meditation, Darinka’s voice is extremely pure and soothing and very pleasant as it wafts into your visualisations whilst you submerse yourself into a lighter than air, state of presence and mind. 

I am excited for my next session at the beginning of November and would have no hesitation is encouraging others to do the same.”